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Foreclosure Lawyer Orange, CA

foreclosure lawyer Orange, CA

Foreclosure is an emotionally draining process. Learning you may lose your home is scary and frustrating. To explore all of your rights as a homeowner, set up a consultation with The Katje Law Group now. Our Orange, CA foreclosure lawyer is knowledgeable about all facets of real estate law. We will guide you in the right direction while handling a foreclosure so you can make the best choices possible for your family’s financial and emotional wellbeing.

What A Foreclosure Lawyer Does

A foreclosure lawyer helps homeowners when banks or mortgage lenders threaten to take their homes. Real estate law is complicated, and foreclosure is not a simple process. There are several factors that could influence the outcome of the claim, including whether or not the bank acted in good faith or if you have extenuating circumstances that secure your right to stay in your home.

If a foreclosure is unavoidable, our attorneys can help you reach an agreement with the mortgage lender that has the least impact on your future. For example, agreeing to a short sale, filing for bankruptcy, or negotiating an alternative payment schedule may reduce the long-term effects of a foreclosure and make it easier for you to find another place to live. Having a foreclosure on your record can severely hurt your credit score and may make your rental application less appealing to landlords. Our foreclosure lawyer will outline all of the actions you can take to prevent a foreclosure from following you for the rest of your life.

When To Hire A Foreclosure Lawyer

When you fall behind on mortgage payments, the bank may file for foreclosure. If you are struggling with bills and are worried that a foreclosure is coming, retain our attorneys right away. We may be able to help you avoid foreclosure by:

  • Negotiating with the bank or mortgage lender to come up with a payment plan or similar solution based on what you can afford
  • Pushing for a short sale
  • Determining whether or not it would be beneficial to consider filing for bankruptcy

There is never a guarantee that foreclosure can be avoided. Our Orange foreclosure lawyer will work hard to find a solution for your situation that puts you in the best position possible.

Ways A Foreclosure Lawyer Can Help You

It is unlikely that you will be able to successfully fight a foreclosure without the help of a real estate attorney. There are several factors that may invalidate the lender’s claim, such as:

  • Illegal banking practices
  • Mismanagement of your mortgage
  • You have a government-backed loan
  • You are an active military member or a veteran

Once you retain our foreclosure lawyer, we will dive into every detail of your case to see what options you have. We will explain the foreclosure process and help you gather evidence if the lender’s actions are unjust. In addition, working with an attorney may slow down the foreclosure process, giving you more time to possibly sell the home, find another place to live, or adjust your financial situation.

Don’t put off getting help with your foreclosure. Call The Katje Law Group today to schedule a meeting with our Orange foreclosure lawyer. The sooner you retain legal representation, the better position you will be in to negotiate with the bank. As a homeowner, you have rights to protect, and there may be an option that allows you to keep or sell your home. See how our firm can help you with all of your foreclosure needs.

September Katje, Esq.

Call For A Case Evaluation
(714) 881-5200

What Makes Attorney September Katje Uniquely Qualified To Represent You?

Ms. Katje earned her Juris Doctorate at California Western School of Law, San Diego, California, graduated Cum Laude and was a Dean’s Honor List recipient. She was also a recipient of the American Jurisprudence Award in Contracts I and Contracts II. Ms. Katje was a member of the Law Review and International Law Journal at California Western School Law, where she was an Associate Editor.

5 Star Reviews
Katje Law Group recently assisted my husband and I with a residential home purchase that was part of a trust with several parties involved. Ms. Katje and her team were competent, responsive and a just pleasure to work with. I highly recommend them if you are looking for a Real Estate Attorney.

Paulette Blumberg
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